While everyone is rushing to condemn the Palestinian action against the seminar in Israel that resulted in death of few Israelis and the wounding of many others they would be admitting that Palestinians are an not equal other to the Israelis that have been killing and murdering the Palestinians for over a 6o years now. Which is of course logical conclusion, given the fact that the war taking place, is between a nuclear bomb owning state and the Palestinian people that reminds Israel how and why does it exist.
So when Israelis kill 128 people a week of which most of those dead are civilians, its self-defense, against the hand made rockets being launched at the settlements built on Palestinian land. This exaggerated act of self-defense allows one question how easy Palestinian targets is for Israelis, and to the rest of the world as a matter of fact, and how for example Syrian or Lebanese blood is not, especially after the July war 2006.
While everyone is running to condemn the Palestinian action, they also are acknowledging that Palestinians taking decisions on their own lead to a result that is related to the Arab-Israeli relations, more specifically the image that Arabs are trying to move of their shoulders as cold-blooded terrorist. This also means that they agree that self-defense strategies for Israelis and for Palestinians are different, as if the violence being produced is not an equal one. Palestinians have no right to defend them selves in means that they see fit, but Israelis do, although it is a fact that Israelis own more sophisticated means to do that and Palestinians don’t, along with the fact that Israelis are occupying Palestinian land not vice versa. This Arab logic is and has been the main reason of making the Palestinian suffrage more painful and certainly lonelier!
Palestinians need re separate them selves from the Arab –Israeli struggle or more frankly, from the Syrian –Israeli negotiation about the future of this area. They need to understand that Hezbollah’s resistance against Israel transitioned from an act of resistance to a key player with in the struggle, serving geopolitical sides, after the almost complete liberation from the south and after the Iranians have decide to reveal that they do have thing for Arabs after all.